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Keep Lookin' Up Blog: Day of Av 2024

Today on the Hebrew calendar is the day of Av. This is when many events happened, but also when the temple was destroyed twice! A day of fasting and prayer!

For the Christian, have the cares of the world choked out the temple within you. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit!

Jesus said, " My sheep know my voice and another they will not follow!"

What voice do you hear? How do we hear His voice?
1- The Bible
2- Prayer
3- Circumstance or divine appointments
4- The Church
5- Dreams and Visions

In scripture, Jesus said there are different types of ground or soil that the seed of the gospel is cast or planted in or on.

Have we departed from the place where we initially had joy in the Word planted in us? Has the world, riches, thing's overtaken our "First Love?"

There is a real theme that the world is discovering: "Comfort and sedentary lifestyle is killing people!"

Heart disease! Heart attack!

Could our comfort, lack of spiritual excercise that makes our spiritual heart unhealthy, be reversed by re-engaging in an intimate, passionate love for Jesus, the Word of God and our Author and Finisher of our relationship and all our relationships and our faith!

He said it best:
All the law and prophets Henge on these two things:
"LOVE the Lord your God with all heart, mind, soul and strength! and love your neighbor as you love yourself!"

On this day of Av, I pray that you rebuild your temple, that Kingdom within!

May the Lord bless and keep you, may His countenance shine upon you, may you be filled with His peace! Lean into Him and be blessed!

Most of all....

Keep Lookin Up!

Photo courtesy of: wallpapercave.com

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