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Keep Lookin' Up Blog: The Same Resurrection Power

The same power that rose Jesus from the dead, His Resurrection power, lives in all who truly believe in Him, those who cry out to Him in the secret place, who meet with Him, face to face. He said, "My sheep know My voice, another they will not follow.

Jesus also said, "Hearing they will not hear, seeing, but yet they cannot see! Only if you seek Him will you find Him, knock and the door will be opened!"

There is a house cleaning taking place, it does not matter if you are rich or poor, the owner, the boss or the employee. Nothing in this life, except those you lead to Jesus, but nothing else matters. We all must repent, no matter if your favorite prophet says, "He is delaying His coming!" 

Matthew 25 gives us 3 scenarios, all 3 lead to Jesus, returning for those who are His Bride, the Church!

He is coming back for those, who fill their lamps with oil, or like thief in the night! Then He will seperate the sheep, His sheep, from the goats, those who may have seemed like sheep, but they had horns, because they said, "There is time, if you enjoy the fruit, surely you will not die!"

But like Eve, that first bite, she was dead and didn't even know it. All she knew was, now I am naked, because I left my covering , the glory of the Lord.

A little sin, a little poison it's all the same, it's a slow death!

But God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, the Lamb of God, to take away the sin of the world. To reconnect and extract the poison, that slowly is killing all mankind, except those who take up their cross, repent themselves, of their sin, and follow Jesus, then He cleanses you from all the poison/sin, covers you in the blood of His sacrifice and comes inside and lives in you! Then He connects you to the heart of the Good, Good Father, and He will never leave you or forsake you!
He sends His Holy Spirit to fill, lead and guide, with power from on high.
He loves you!

John 3:16
Romans 3:23, 6:23, 10:9&10
Matthew 25
Matthew 6:33
John 1:1
Acts 1:8, 2:4

He came to save that which was lost. He is coming back for His own, be sure you are full of His oil!

Jesus loves you!

Keep Lookin Up!

Photo courtesy of: wallpapercave.com
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