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Keep Lookin' Up Blog: Birthday Edition 2024

Attitude, I have had all kinds of Attitudes in my lifetime. This trip around the Sun, coincides with this last year being a trip around the Son! 
Most of all I have an attitude of graditude, everything in my life since this time a year ago has changed. This time last year, had been married for a little under 9 months, I thought it could be possible I would be alone for the rest of my life. I met my wife Katie, we married 3 weeks later, it as if God sent a woman made for me from heaven. Katie found her gemstone, had it made into a ring, and picked it up on my birthday September 13, 2017, five years before we met on met.

Last year at this time I already had one more grandson Gio, and another about to come on the scene, Jayven. My sons, their wives, my grandchildren and Katie are my most valued assets. Nothing is more important than family. My favorite person on the planet growing up was my grandfather. Not just what he did for me, but he was "my granddady!"

As I have married, moved, leave and cleave, I came into a new inheritance, gave away some things, acquired new things, but family, friends and the call of God to expand His kingdom and touch by the love of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit those who have never known the love of a heavenly Father. The same love like a good good Father to his family!

So we are in Brazil on my birthday. As we started this morning with several hundred ministers at a church, I had been struggling with an injury, but I heard, "Release the heart of the Father!" We had a language barrier, but I watched as I forgot my physical ailment, and simply released "the love of the Father into both men and women, as they began to experience His love, weeping with tears of joy, the love language of heaven was released. I cried, they cried, I found my purpose on my birthday, to birth a new love of the Father through Jesus His Son and the power of the Comforter, the Holy Spirit!

So today, I was able to release the gift of the Father, through Jesus, He baptized those few I was able to pray for with the Holy Spirit and power, the greatest gift He give us is His love. John 17 says "Father I pray that they be One as you Father and I are One!"

They Day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit was poured out, He reconciled what was broken and separated at Babylon. They heard the praises, the gospel and were filled with the Holy Spirit and 3000 plus were added, born again that day, on the Birthday of the New Covenant Church!

Today on my birthday, I was able to give away this gift I was given. I am a simple man, before these meetings I was broken again, and my life, my gift given by the Father may it multiply, to be manna from heaven and may the gift be payed forward to those here in Curitiba, Brazil, and the where ever these few go, may they take up the fragments and more than what was given out remain. Jesus is the Bread of Life, the Manna from heaven.....so my best birthday ever is to give the gift I recieved to other's. 

I feel like that boy, with 5 loaves and 2 fish, I don't have much, but it's more than enough, in the Master's hand!

Jesus said, "Freely I give to you, freely give it away!" The Kingdom is always about Him, and He is always more than enough.

We have 120 on our team, they had 120 in the Upper room, with one instruction: "Wait here until you are endued with power from on high, and you will be My witnesses, to Judea, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth!"

May we be endued with power tonight, in this next service, one more time! In Jesus name!

Happy Birthday Brazil!

Keep Lookin Up....
the Birthday Edition!

Keep Lookin Up!

Photo courtesy of: wallpapercave.com

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