Testing the INFOBAR

Moses built an altar and named it
The Lord Is My Banner

Exodus 17:15

Flagging is a part of dancing before the Lord - just as David did in 2 Samuel 6:14-22. Flagging is never about us, but about the Holy One, El Shaddai, Elohim, who is God Most High. He Himself is Our Banner, Our great High Preist and is worthy to be praised! When we dance to secular movement, we use our bodes to express or come into union with the spirit behind the music, whatever that may be. When we flag to anointed music, we unite with the anointing, coming into alignment with Heaven's purposes in that moment. Granted, we must always submit to the Holy Spirit in each moment and obey quickly. This makes the "dance" an adventure each time!
Flagging and dance in general should always be done with the express approval or otherwise invitation of the leader of the group, center, or church. We are called to honor our leaders.
